Charlie Puth – Marvin Gaye ft. Meghan Trainor

I have no idea what is going on in this video, but I think this is a great song that every one can play at a party, dance too, and have a good time too; however, this video takes all of that way too far.

I think it promotes the idea of being promiscuous at a high school dance. Now, I am okay with music videos being “scandalous” and inferring sexual relations or showing some type of sexual relations, but when it gets to the point where it is basically an orgy on a high school floor…I am sorry but it needs to be addressed.

The lyrics, the beat, the mood, and the tempo of this song are all on point. The song has so much going for it, and yes, it’s still a great song, but after watching the video I find it to be a bit immature. If I never watched this, I never would have looked down upon this song or the artists that are in it.

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Now, I want to just discuss how this generation views sex and music. Sex is gloried in media and entertainment such as movies and television shows. Sex is every where; maybe not the actual action but sexy outfits— short shorts, low shirts, cropped tops, tight dresses etc.

The thing that bothers me more than anything else is that Meghan Trainor is one of those Pop artists that has the ability to change how [famous] women are viewed. Her songs and lyrics are very proactive in the feminist world and they are powerful as well.

I think this song had potential, but now listening to it more in depth, and watching this orgy of a video, my mind has been changed.

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It speaks to my point that this generation is making sex so much less then it is. Sex is such a casual thing nowadays, and it’s not that I don’t like casual sex, it is that some people that advantage of it and are forgoing finding a person to settle down with.

People are focused on their own needs and making themselves happy which in return ends up hurting someone else– especially when “causal sex” is involved. Sex does involve having some type of feelings– you want to share this intimate moment with someone because you care, and maybe you  just because your drunk, but you have to care in some way for the other person.

That’s the other thing that is wrong with this “millennial generation”. Sure, I love that we all can have a good time, but sometimes it goes to far and it happens everyday or once a weekend; however many times it happens, it happens to much. We make it a game to see how many people we can get with; girls and guys a like brag about who they have been with. Nowadays, girls and guys are afraid to admit they are a 17 year old virgin. That is the scariest thing. We put people down for waiting, for trying to do the right thing, for thinking of the negatives that can come to having sex to early.

I praise the individuals who are still virgins, now matter what your age is. Y’all are strong-minded and caring. You give your self the respect that you deserve. If you aren’t with someone that you care about enough to create a child with, then why have sex? Yes, it is fun, but there are problems that come because of it.

Anyways, Marvin Gaye is a great song, but I don’t think that this was a great video.

Let me know what you think! I want y’all’s opinion on this debate!

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