Clockwork- Easton Corbin

Easton Corbin is one of the hottest guys in country music right now (that could just be my opinion though). By hot I mean good-looking and an AWESOME artist.

If you like this music video and this song, download it on ITunes and check out more of his amazing music as well.

If you have recently gone through a break-up with a girl or boy who meant the world yo you or lead you on this is probably a song that you can relate to. Having a broken heart sucks, but I find it better to listen to music about situations you have been through to get your mind off of it.

This video shows that things will get better and also it makes you feel better to know others struggle with things like this too.

I already said this, but my favorite part is when he has official moved on and tries to start a new life with someone else.

Even if you aren’t going through what Corbin is singing about, it is an amazing song because he has a great voice and an amazing face to look at. So ladies, you are very welcome šŸ™‚

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